Editing Drums And How To Avoid It

By far the biggest hold-up that can impose itself on a recording session is drum editing. It’s a colossal pain in the arse that you really want to avoid, because it’ll gobble up time and money like Pac-Man gobbles up his brain medicine. Drum editing typically takes place after the initial tracking session. We […]
How Long Does It Take To Mix A Song?

Mixing a song is like doing a jigsaw puzzle. How might you respond to the question, “How long does it take to do a jigsaw puzzle?” Probably with the obvious response; It depends how many pieces there are. It depends how hard the puzzle is. Estimating how long it will take to mix a song, […]
Crushed To Hell: My Thoughts About Mastering

What Is Mastering? Mastering recorded audio became its own discipline after the Second World War, when a “dubbing engineer”, secondary to the recording/mix engineer, was tasked with transferring the recorded audio from tape to a master disc, which served as the template from which all following vinyl discs would be pressed. This was a purely […]